Pilates for Active Ageing

Lectures, Theory and Practical
Program to increase muscle tone in older adults
Program to increase flexibility and range of movement for older adults
Program to increase balance
Program to increase bone density, for Osteopenia and osteoporosis
Pelvic floor safe program
Programs for specific issues such as: spinal canal stenosis, Trendelenberg gait, hip replacements, breast cancer recovery, and shoulder impingement
Program to improve kyphotic posture
Programs to help with osteoarthritis in the hands, knees, feet, hips and shoulders
The Details
Dates: Sunday 26 May, 2018
Time: 12noon - 6:30pm
Location: Taube Pilates Studio, unit 6/94 Hotham St, St Kilda East, VIC 3183
Registration Fees
Registration: $497
I see Pilates as an essential part of the healing process and health care where there are gaps between hospital procedures such as hip replacement, rehab and prehab where people often are not supported in a crucial time. The benefit to older adults also is incredible in terms of fall prevention, building bone density and safe exercise. This workshop will show you how Pilates is more than just prescribed exercise. The human contact offers so much more in terms of health and wellbeing.⠀
The social aspect of doing a Pilates class and the endorphins released when exercising keeps people young. This is a key ingredient for mental health and keeping depression at bay as we age.
I love how Pilates can assist with neuroplasticity, and confidence. When I am teaching my Dad a Pilates session, (he has Parkinson's disease) I can really see the benefits of keeping his mind supple. By gradually introducing new movement experiences, new neural pathways are triggered and this helps with keeping his mind working as well as his muscles. This type of neuroplasticity is essential to keep the ageing process at bay. It is imperative to keep your Active Ageing programs changing and challenging to improve the mind as well as the body. In the Active Ageing workshop I will give you many exercises programs and new ideas for exercises to keep the mind stimulated and supple.
According to World Health Organisation "Approximately 28-35% of people aged of 65 and over fall each year, increasing to 32-42% for those over 70 years of age."
"Falls are the leading cause of injury-related hospitalisation in persons aged 65 years and over and account for four percent of all hospital admissions in this age-group." as stated by the Australian and New Zealand Falls Prevention Society
Learn Not to Fall states that"About one third of the elder population over the age of 65 falls each year, and the risk of falls increases proportionately with age. ... Many falls do not result in injuries, yet a large percentage of non-injured fallers (47%) cannot get up without assistance."
If we can keep our Active Ageing friends, family and clients from falling and hospitalisation from injury related falls then the world will surely be a better place. I will show you how Pilates can help with functional movement, improve reaction time, and assist with falls prevention In the Active Ageing Workshop.
"This course assisted me with my practice in terms of providing me with variety and more ideas in using props and more repertoire. I would recommend this workshop as Louise is passionate about Pilates and wanting to share her knowledge. I valued all of it and particularly, more ideas to maintain variety for my clients. "
Belinda Johnson